


– 斯坦·帕克斯 –

成果与过程:当今的“天国运动” 开始在20世纪90年代浮现的时候,“植堂运动”(CPMs)这个概念是用来描述其肉眼可见成果的。耶稣应许会建立祂的教会,这些“植堂运动”表明了祂非同凡响的做工方式。为了这个成果,祂也委任给门徒们一个特别的角色:去使万族万民作主的门徒。我们的工作就是去实施耶稣建立自己教会时所使用的建造门徒的过程和步骤。如果这些步骤能够很好地被实践出来,成果就呈现为“植堂运动”。


随着“植堂运动”的出现,去建造多结果子的门徒的最好的实践策略被总结出来和传递下去。植堂运动所使用的几套建造门徒的“方法论”与过程中, 神彰显了祂自己的创意。这些“方法论”包括:建造门徒运动(Disciple Making Movements, DMM)、四片田地(Four Fields)、训练训练者(Training for Trainers, T4T)等,还包括很多本地发展出来的行之有效的方法。进一步研究这些方法我们会发现:1)这些植堂运动原则或策略大致相同;2)这些方法都通过建造门徒和教会来结果子;3)都与其它策略或方法相互影响、相得益彰。


CPM (Church Planting Movement) 植堂运动(成果):是一种倍增现象——门徒倍增门徒,带领者培养带领者,最终建立本地本族教会(一般是家庭教会)去拓植更多教会。这些新生的门徒和教会在自己所隶属的本族群内部开始迅速传开,满足人们外在的需要和属灵的需求。他们开始积极地影响自己的群体,作为基督的新肢体,活出天国的价值观。当这样的现象保持继续,倍增至多直流第四代教会出现时,植堂的果效就超越了临界值,成为一种可持续性的运动。

DMM (Disciple Making Movement) – 建造门徒运动(植堂运动的过程之一):聚焦于门徒连结失丧的人,寻找能够聚集自己家庭或影响圈的平安之子,开始一个“探索式小组”。这样的小组是通过引导与启发、归纳式的查经一起学习,按照整本圣经的大脉络:从神的创世学到基督。通常学到有关基督的部分需要几个月的时间。在这个过程中,寻求的人会被鼓励去遵行他们所学到的,并且去将这些圣经故事跟其他人分享。甚至有人可能会跟自己的家人或朋友开始新的“探索小组”。最后,在这第一阶段的圣经学习之后,新的信徒可以受洗。然后,他们可以开始为期几个月的“启发式查经学习”(Discovery Bible Study, DBS) 植堂阶段,随之,由他们形成一个教会。在此过程中,建造“探索小组”的成员成为委身基督的门徒,带领新教会和培育新门徒去重复再生这个过程方法。


T4T (Training for Trainers) –  训练训练者(植堂运动的过程之一):这个过程是去动员和训练信徒去向失丧之人传福音,(尤其是在他们的家族或影响圈),去建造新的信徒,开始新的小组或教会,培育带领人,训练那些可以和他们一样去影响自己家族的新信徒。作门徒的定义就是遵行神的话并将神所吩咐的教导他人(所以是训练者)遵行。这个目标就是去帮助每一代的信徒去训练训练者,就是那些能够去训练他人的人。这个过程是装备训练者使用三步走的原则来建造门徒。1)回望:评估和庆祝对神的顺服;2)仰望:领受从神而来的话语;3)展望:通过祷告设立目标并操练如何将这些传授给他人。(这样的三步走方法也被用在其它方法当中。)


1st Generation ChurchesThe first churches started in the focus group/community.
2nd Generation ChurchesChurches started by the 1st generation churches. (Note that this is not biological or age-related generations.)
3rd Generation ChurchesChurches started by 2nd generation churches.
Bi-VocationalSomeone who is in ministry while maintaining a full time job.
Church CircleA diagram for a church using basic symbols or letters from Acts 2:36-47 to define which elements of the church are being done and which need to be incorporated.
Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is the Process & Discovery Group (DG) is the PeopleA simple, transferable group learning process of inductive Bible study which leads to loving obedience and spiritual reproduction. God is the teacher and the Bible is the sole authority. A DBS can be done by pre-believers (to move them toward saving faith) or by believers (to mature their faith). A DG for pre-believers begins with finding a Person of Peace (Luke 10:6), who gathers his/her extended relational network. A DG is facilitated (not taught) by using some adaptation of seven questions:
1 - What are you thankful for?
2 - What are you struggling with / stressed by? After reading the new story:
3 - What does this teach us about God?
4 - What does this teach us about ourselves / people?
5 - What is God telling you to apply / obey?
6 - Is there some way we could apply this as a group?
7 - Who are you going to tell?
End VisionA short statement that is inspirational, clear, memorable, and concise, describing a clear long-term desired change resulting from the work of an organization or team.
Five-Fold GiftingFrom Ephesians 4:11 – Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Shepherd (Pastor), Teacher. APEs tend to be more pioneering, focusing on expanding the kingdom among new believers. STs tend to be more focused on depth and health of the disciples and churches, focusing on the same people over longer periods of time.
Generational MappingMultiple Church Circles linked generationally into streams to help determine the health of each church and the depth of generational growth in each stream.
Great Commission ChristianA Christian committed to seeing the Great Commission fulfilled.
Great Commission WorkerA person committed to investing their best time and effort in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Hub (CPM Training Hub):A physical location or network of workers in an area that trains and coaches Great Commission workers in practically implementing CPM practices and principles. The hub may also involve other aspects of missionary training.
CPM Training Phases (for Cross-Cultural
Phase 1 Equipping – A process (often at a CPM Hub) in the home culture of a team (or individual). Here they learn to live out CPM practices among at least one population group (majority or minority) in their context.

Phase 2 Equipping – A cross-cultural process among a UPG where a fruitful CPM team can mentor new workers for a year or more. There the new workers can see CPM principles in action among a group similar to the UPG on their hearts. They can also be mentored through general orientation (culture, government, national church, use of money, etc.), language learning, and establishing healthy habits in cross-cultural life and work.

Phase 3 Coaching – After Phase 2, an individual/team is coached while they seek to launch a CPM/DMM among an unserved population segment.

Phase 4 Multiplying – Once a CPM emerges in a population segment, rather than the outside catalyst(s) exiting, they help expand the movement to other unreached groups both near and far. At this stage, movements are multiplying movements.
IOI (Iron on Iron)An accountability session: meeting with leaders, reporting on what is happening, discussing obstacles, and solving problems together.
Legacy ChurchesA traditional church that meets in a building.
Majority WorldThe non-Western continents of the world, where most of the world’s population lives: Asia, Africa and South America.
Movement Catalyst
Model, Assist, Watch, Launch. A model for leadership development.
Movement CatalystA person being used by God (or at least aiming) to catalyze a CPM/DMM.
OikosThe Greek word best translated “household.” Because households in the NT context were normally much larger than just a nuclear family, the term can well be applied as “extended family” or “circle of influence.” Scripture shows that most people come to faith in groups (oikos). When these groups respond and are discipled together, they become a church (as we see, for example, in Acts 16:15; 1 Cor. 16:19 and Col. 4:15). This biblical approach also makes sense numerically and sociologically.
Oikos MappingDiagram of a plan to reach family, friends, coworkers, neighbors with the Good News.
Oral LearnerSomeone who learns through stories and orality, may have little to no literacy skills.
Person of Peace (POP)/House of Peace (HOP)Luke 10 describes a person of peace. This is a person who receives the messenger and the message and opens their family/group/community to the message.
Regional 24:14 Facilitation TeamsTeams of CPM-oriented leaders serving in specific regions of the world, committed to implementing the 24:14 vision in their region. These regions roughly follow the United Nations geoscheme. However, as 24:14 is a grassroots effort, regional teams are forming organically and do not perfectly mirror the United Nations geoscheme.
StreamA multi-generational, connected chain of church plants.
SustainabilityThe capacity to endure. Sustainable methodologies allow a church or community to continue an activity for years to come without further outside assistance.
Unengaged UPG (UUPG)A subset of global UPGs; a UPG not yet engaged by a church planting team.
Unreached People Group (UPG)A sizable distinct group that does not have a local, indigenous church that can bring the gospel to the whole group without the aid of cross-cultural missionaries. This group may be variously defined, including but not limited to ethno-linguistic or socio-linguistic commonality.



(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_geoscheme

这些定义最早出版在《24:14 -向万民作见证》(24:14 – A Testimony to All Peoples)一书中的附录A(第313-322页)。现在可以在24:14Amazon亚马逊上查阅。


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